As part of the build-up to the COP25, the Nigerian Civil Society Framework on Paris Agreement and SDGs (NCSFPAS) coordinated by Climate and Sustainable Development Network (CSDevNet), the National platform for Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA), affiliate sector-based networks, thematic groups, members and partners are organizing a Pre-COP25 meeting and Climate Week of Action.
The upcoming 25th Conference of Parties (COP25) is scheduled to hold between 3rd and 13th December 2019 in Madrid, Spain. Participants are expected from 196 countries including the European Union and conversations will be centred on achieving tougher, more concrete and realistic plans to enhance country-specific Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) by 2020, with a view to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 45 per cent over the next decade, and to net zero emissions by 2050.
African countries such as Nigeria, along with other actor nations are expected to deliver their commitments to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with the commitments enshrined in Paris Agreement at the conference of parties in Spain, given the disproportionate impacts of climate change; the climate week of action is expected to play a major role in the decisions to be made at the main COP 25 event.
According to scientific reports presented to the just concluded United Nations Climate Action Summit held in New York, global emissions are reaching record levels and show no sign of peaking. The last four years were reported to be the hottest on record, and winter temperatures in the Arctic have risen by 3°C since 1990. Similarly, sea levels are rising, coral reefs dying, and the anthropogens are starting to see life-threatening impact of climate change on health, through air pollution, heat waves, and risks to food security, migration and conflicts. Worst of it, most if not all of these impacts are majorly felt in Africa despite the fact that it has contributed to the global climate crisis.
During COP 25, finishing touches will added to pending key documentations; reporting and climate governance transparency will also feature in the proceedings.
The climate week of action and Pre-COP25 meeting aims, before the onset of COP 25, to inspire individuals, partners and organizations to become part of the momentum created by the Africa Climate Week, UNEA 4, eighth Climate Change and Development in Africa Conference (CCDA-VIII),UN Secretary General’s Climate Action Summit, the 17th African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN -17) as well as to inspire a unique and collaborative platform where both the governments and non-state actors in countries would gather to address the diverse but relevant climate issues under one umbrella.
As an Africa-wide annual initiative, the “Climate Week of Action” is conducted in selected countries and capitals, and is aimed at mobilizing and stimulating actions and reinforcing efforts to exercise the power of collective action ahead of COPs.
Since 2009, the initiative has linked actions from local to national and international levels, progressively increased the number of people mobilized, expanded the numbers of countries and communities partnering, raised the scale, intensity and boldness of our actions, and enhanced our strength and power to contribute in the best way possible the prevention of planetary catastrophe.
Major expectations from the meeting and the Climate Week of Action are the Paris Agreement Implementation Package and how conclusions held during the Bonn Intersessional Meeting (June 2019) will be translated, including the discussions on Article 6 on New Market Mechanisms and the absence of a market to facilitate the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement.
The main priorities of Nigeria and the key points to be followed in the negotiations will be identified for the COP25 in Madrid, as well as links between the various experts and the different negotiating themes established in such a way as to exploit synergies.
Key stakeholders expected at this important assembly UNFCCC focal points and experts from the environment ministries in Nigeria, the Nigerian Civil Society Framework on Paris Agreement and SDGs (NCSFPAS), cutting across the six geo-political zones in Nigeria, including a climate change negotiator, member(s) of the National Committee on NDCs, ECOWAS Commission, and so on.
Participants will be informed about and agree on the activities planned by States and National organizations at COP25 and a plan will be put in place for the coordinated participation of Nigeria and West Africa in the COP25.