Our Activities/Projects

The Network carries out activities that basically seek to advocate, implement, lobby and create awareness on the need to mainstream climate change and sustainable development into laws, policies and practices in the context of poverty reduction in Nigeria and on the Africa continent.
I. The encouragement of network members where possible to participate in key international meetings on climate change, environment and sustainable development so as to enhance their capacity for engagement with the government and relevant agencies.
II. Implementation of programmes, documentation and sharing of best practices on advocacy and projects on climate change and other sustainable development policies.
III. Encourage, facilitate and support where possible networking among network members across Nigeria
IV. Build linkages with other coalitions with similar goals at national and continental levels.

Our Projects/Programmes

  1. Third phase of SIDA project [2023-2025] – Galvanizing and Unifying Africa’s Actions for Resilient Building in the era of the Pandemic (GUARD)
  2. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation [2023/2025] – Supporting Needs-Based Advocacy on Adaptation (NBAA)
  3. World Wildlife Fund (WWF) [2023/2024] – Strengthening the Capacity of Regional Youth on Biodiversity Conservation
  4. The Netherlands Government [2022-2025] – African Activists for Climate Justice (AACJ) Project activities on reducing deforestation, biodiversity conservation, provision of alternative sources of livelihood through sustainable agriculture
  5. Queen Mary University, London [2022/2023] – the Nigeria Climate Change Act
  6. IBON International [2022] – People-Powered Climate Action (PPCA) project
  7. VSO International [2020] – Livelihood and Climate Change Education amidst COVID-19
  8. Second phase of SIDA project [2018-2022] – Deepening African Civil Society Engagement in International Post-Paris Climate Change Network Dialogue And Response Strategies
  9. The World Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) project [2018] – Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+)
  10. First phase SIDA (the Swedish International Development Cooperation) project [2016/2017] – Nigeria Civil Society Consultation on NDCs
  11. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) foundation [2015] – Tree for the Planet
  12. Civicus [2015] – Call for Climate Acion #Action2015Nigeria