CSDevNet pays Courtesy Visit to IOM Nigeria to Explore Collaborative Pathways

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In the ongoing battle against climate change-induced displacement, collaboration emerges as a crucial tool for effecting meaningful change.

Recognizing this imperative, the Climate & Sustainable Development Network (CSDevNet), a coalition of 300 civil society organizations committed to sustainable development, is gearing up for a significant step towards partnership.

CSDevNet’s paid a courtesy visit on 7th May, 2024 to the Nigeria office of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Abuja, Nigeria.

The visit signifies a proactive approach to explore synergies and foster joint initiatives aimed at addressing the intricate nexus of climate change, migration, and sustainable development.

Mr. Abu Stephen National Network Coordinator in his speech, noted that CSDevNet is at the forefront of championing pro-poor, climate-friendly solutions to tackle the multifaceted challenges posed by climate change.

With a focus on advocacy, research, and grassroots engagement, the network endeavors to ensure that the discourse on climate action incorporates considerations for marginalized communities, particularly those displaced by environmental factors.

CSDevNet’s core values of accountability, volunteerism, networking, and respect for human dignity form the bedrock of its endeavors, guiding its trajectory towards impactful interventions.

CSDevNet’s National Network Coordinator, Mr. Abu Stephen and Finance Person, Mr. Umoru Ameh

On the other hand, the Chief Mission IOM to the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Laurent M.J, de Boeck, indicated that, the organization stands as a leading intergovernmental body dedicated to addressing migration challenges worldwide.

In Nigeria, IOM’s efforts are concentrated on promoting safe migration, extending support to vulnerable migrants, and aiding the government in formulating robust migration governance frameworks.

With its expertise and expansive reach, IOM serves as an invaluable ally in navigating the complex terrain of migration dynamics, offering insights and solutions to mitigate risks and safeguard the rights of migrants.

He stated that, “this proposed courtesy visit by CSDevNet to the IOM Nigeria office holds immense promise for forging collaborative pathways”.

By delving into the root causes of climate-induced displacement, the Senior Project Assistant Mrs. Elizabeth Oladimeji underscored some joint initiatives such as media coalition, flood/hazard response mechanism systems, can inform policy formulation and community-level interventions geared towards bolstering resilience and addressing vulnerabilities.

She noted that the organization is into open seeds for nursery beds supported by the government of China which provides nutritional and therapeutic value and creating employment in Nigeria.

She said, “we need greener environment in workspace”.

The NNC, Mr. Abu Stephen highlighted that, through targeted outreach campaigns and community engagement initiatives, both organizations will empower individuals with the knowledge and resources necessary to make informed migration decisions, thereby reducing the risks associated with precarious journeys and raising awareness on peaceful migration.

Recognizing the pivotal role of civil society organizations in driving sustainable change, collaborative capacity-building programs can equip grassroots actors with the requisite skills and knowledge to effectively navigate the intersection of migration and climate change. By facilitating joint training workshops and knowledge-sharing sessions, CSDevNet and IOM can enhance the collective capacity of stakeholders, fostering a more robust response to emerging challenges.

Looking ahead, the next steps following the courtesy visit entail the development of a comprehensive joint action plan, delineating specific activities, timelines, and responsibilities. By outlining clear objectives and leveraging the respective strengths of each organization, CSDevNet and IOM can embark on a collaborative journey marked by innovation, solidarity, and impact.

In conclusion, the proposed courtesy visit by CSDevNet to the IOM Nigeria office represents a pivotal moment in the quest for sustainable solutions to the complex challenges posed by climate change-induced displacement. By fostering collaboration and harnessing collective expertise, the partnership holds the promise of catalyzing transformative change, empowering communities, and building a more resilient future for all.

collaborationCSDevNetmigrationResilient People and CommunitiesUN
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