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World Wildlife Day: CSDevNet joins National Park Service to curb species extinction

Group photograph as CSDevNet marked the 2023 World Wildlife Day with Theme: "Partnership for Wildlife Conservation" with a strategic courtesy visit and excursion to the National Park Service (NPS) of Nigeria in Abuja on Friday, March 3, 2023
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Group photograph as CSDevNet marked the 2023 World Wildlife Day with Theme: “Partnership for Wildlife Conservation” with a strategic courtesy visit and excursion to the National Park Service (NPS) of Nigeria in Abuja on Friday, March 3, 2023

The Climate and Sustainable Development Network (CSDevNet) marked the 2023 World Wildlife Day with Theme: “Partnership for Wildlife Conservation” with a strategic courtesy visit and excursion to the National Park Service (NPS) of Nigeria in Abuja on Friday, March 3, 2023.

CSDevNet Team led by the Programme Advisor Mr Samuel Jinadu was received at the National Headquarters of NPS by the Conservator General, Mr Ibrahim Gonji, who expressed satisfaction at the visit.

The National Headquarters of NPS by the Conservator General, Mr Ibrahim Gonji and Mr Samuel Jinadu, Programme Advisor, CSDevNet

Mr Gonji applauded CSDevNet for the initiative to visit the Agency and opened its doors for collaboration to advance the mission and vision of the agency in context of mitigation as contained in the Nationally Determined Contribution efforts of the Federal Government.

To also mark the Wangari Maathai Day, CSDevNet donated tree seedlings to the Agency to symbolically mark the day.

Mr Lucky Abeng, Research Officer for CSDevNet, reported that they received the presentation of the Conservator General (CG) of NPS interestingly, and saw some species that can not be found anywhere in the world, but just in Nigeria alone.

“And as a Civil Society, CSDevNet plans to amplify this effort of the government to conserve these endangered and priced species,” Abeng continued.

Abeng said CSDevNet was determined to build a synergy with NPS to conserve wildlife extinction especially the endangered species in Nigeria. He also expressed satisfaction that it was only in Nigeria that the white-throated monkey is found all over the world.

CSDevNet presenting the tree for planting to mark Africa Environment Day – Wangari Maathai Day

“We are in partnership with Wildlife Conservation and we are also celebrating Wangari Maathai, a renowned Kenyan environmental activist. She has won the Nobel prize for her work around the environment and known for some of her brutal and vocal efforts in preserving our environment,” Abeng added.

Furthermore, Mr Samuel Jinadu, the Programme Advisor of CSDevNet, assured that the group would partner to conserve wildlife and discourage poaching into the ecosystem to prevent wildlife extinction. He further assured a robust working relationship with NPS in wildlife conservation.

Responding, the Conservator General, Dr. Ibrahim Gonji, said that NPS had a lot of wildlife extinction programmes across the country and commended the will of partnership from CSDevNet.

He said that some of the wildlife extinction programmes were teachers support programmes, skill acquisition and tree planting, amongst others.

CSDevNet celebrating Wangari Maathai, the renowned Kenyan environmental activist

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