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Call for Consultancy Services: Supporting Needs-Based Advocacy on Adaptation in Africa (NBAA)

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Call for Consultancy Services: Supporting Needs-Based Advocacy on Adaptation in Africa (NBAA).

Call for Applications

1.0. Introduction; CSDevNet

Established on the 10th of November 2012 with a strong and focal commitment to unifying and strengthening the voice and offerings of the Nigerian civil society using accountability, volunteerism, networking and respect for human dignity as building blocks and key pillars of a resurgent civil society movement in Nigeria, Climate and Sustainable Development Network of Nigeria (CSDevNet) is the leading network of civil society organisations working on climate change and sustainable development in Nigeria. CSDevNet is the Nigerian national chapter for Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) as well as the national focal organisation for several international and regional organisations that are relevant to its core focus: climate change and sustainable development.

2.0 Scope and Overall Objective of the Consultancy

Climate change is wrecking the lives of more and more people. In Africa alone, 52 million people – four per cent of the population – have suffered either drought or floods over the past two years, deeply affecting their livelihoods, according to the State and Trends in Adaptation in Africa 2022 report. Climate change contributes to land degradation, loss of biodiversity, and the spread of invasive species and pests. Climate change reduces food crop yields, livestock, and fish, and deterioration in food nutritional quality.

The current and projected severe impacts of climate change in Africa make adaptation an urgent priority. Adapting to climate change and building resilience will speed the development of African economies. While reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a vital task, the benefits will only be realized in the long term.

Yet, adaptation is not receiving the attention it deserves. The Global Center on Adaptation’s State and Trends in Adaptation in Africa 2022 warned that Africa is facing a critical shortfall in funding for climate adaptation. The report reveals cumulative adaptation finance to 2030 will come to less than one-quarter of the estimated needs stated by African countries in their National Determined Contributions (NDCs) unless more funding for climate adaptation is secured.

A recent study from Tear Fund notes that Sub Saharan African countries are likely to face adaptation costs five times the total budget on health care. In fact, Tearfund analysis on National Adaptation Plans in SSA, with a total population of more than 350 million people, face climate adaptation costs that are larger than their national spend on health care. Together they make up to a third of Sub-Saharan Africa total population.

The Adaptation fund was created to address this challenge, but the global community has committed little resources to it. Even the modalities of accessing are too stringent. A Global Goal for Adaptation is very important to Africa. In this regard also, there is less commitment towards the process of crafting the goal. In the recent SB 56 meeting in Bonn, parties had difficulties in agreeing on the roadmap to development of this goal.

3.0 Problem Statement

This project aims to raise the importance of adaptation at all levels of climate debates and dialogues. While a call to double adaptation finance was clear at COP 26, there is need for commitments by developed country parties to actualize this target by availing resources for adaptation by 2025. PACJA will be advocating for a COP decision to start the process of actualizing the doubling of adaptation finance in terms of baselines, quantity, quality and accessibility through the Africa Group of Negotiators.

Through sub-granting PACJA will leverage on its leadership experience on climate justice in the region to run a massive advocacy initiative on adaptation in Africa, the alliance has strategically positioned itself and is supporting various national/regional inter-ministerial climate discourse processes by providing compelling evidence to enable stakeholders (including Negotiators) to make informed decisions.

The Alliance and its DNPs complement most if not all national and regional climate dialogue processes including the Africa Group of Negotiators (AGN) who are representing their various countries, the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) and the Committee of Heads of State and Governments on Climate Change (CAHOSCC).

4.0 Main deliverables

The main objective of this project is to elevate needs-based adaptation in global and regional policy spaces and contribute significantly to increasing global, regional, and national ambition on adaptation that respond to Africa’s special needs and circumstances.

LOT1: Tracking Adaptation Finance flow at National and Subnational levels in Nigeria

LOT2: Mapping and Documenting Community-level Adaptation Innovations in Nigeria

LOT3: Baseline Study on the Status of Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) implementation, Early warning systems and Smallholder Farmers Adaptation Practices in Nigeria.

Each applicant is expected to choose one lot only.

5.0 Duration of the Consultancy

The consultancy duration is four weeks (2nd – 30th October 2023)

6.0 Payment/Fees

The Consultancy fee, terms and conditions of payment will be agreed with the successful consultant.

7.0 Location and Reporting Structure

The Consultant will report directly to CSDevNet’s National Network Coordinator with close working contacts with the Programmes Officer and functional linkages with relevant Secretariat Staff.

All applications are to be sent to:

CSDevNet Secretariat, or info(at)

For more info, log on to

Applications received after 18h00 (GMT-1) on Friday the 29th of September 2023 will not be considered

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