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CSDevNet at Road to Paris meeting in Addis Ababa

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The Road to Paris meeting organized by the Horn of Africa Regional Environment Centre and Network (HoA-REC&N) kicked off on Tuesday 7th April 2014 and ended two days after in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in the presence of H.E. Mr. Belete Tafere, Minister of Environment and Forest, Ethiopia, H.E. Ms. Annick Girardin, Minister of State for Development and Francophony, France, and H.E. Dr. Nabil Mohamed, Minister of Higher Education and Research, Djibouti, amongst others.

CSDevNet led a three-man Nigerian delegation to the meeting which sought to:

  • Acknowledge lessons learned from past mistakes, success stories and experiences serving as a base to find a new  international  agreement  which is fair, just and ambitious;
  • Reaffirm the commitments of all countries to live up to their respective responsibilities and capabilities;
  • Identify innovative financing schemes to help the poor to adapt and choose a new development model. eg renewable energies in Africa;

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