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IYD 2022: How to harness the potential of Nigerian Youth

Dr Ibrahim Choji, Chair CSDevNet's Board of Trustees
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IYD 2022: How to harness the potential of Nigerian Youth – CSDevNet

Prof. Ibrahim Choji, Chair, Board of Trustees, Climate and Sustainable Development Network (CSDevNet), while celebrating the International Youth Day (IYD) 2022 calls for deep reflection and list how the potentials of youth can be effectively harnessed in Nigeria.

Nigeria is not a country rich only in mineral resources but in human capital as well. With a population estimated at 206 million in 2020, Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa and seventh in the world. The country’s population is growing at 2.6% a year, one of the fastest rates globally.

The country has the largest youth population in the world, with a median age of 18.1 years.

In line with this year’s IYD theme: “Intergenerational Solidarity: Creating a world for all ages”, the Climate and Sustainable Development Network (CSDevNet) believes that people of all generations should be carried along the path to attaining the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), have to show their participation and no one should be left behind.

We hereby enjoin the Nigerian government, African Leaders and the global community to empower and position youth to lead action against climate change. Changes are expected in every sector of our society; let’s all get on board and work as we make our teaming youth agents and drivers of these changes.

Dr Ibrahim Choji, Chair CSDevNet’s Board of Trustees

CSDevNet calls for the effective harnessing of the potential of our youth in the following ways:

  • Give young people a seat at the table; climate-related decision-making must be inclusive and all-encompassing for it to be effective.
  • Engage and harness their skills and experiences by providing them with the relevant opportunities, even as data confirms that young people are taking the initiative to address climate change, from volunteering with organisations to contributing to environmental initiatives.
  • Invest in youth-led solutions, as young people across the globe, particularly in Africa, continue to provide solutions to the climate crises. Ranging from alternative, cheaper energy sources to recycling, young people are developing products and services and leading campaigns to build a greener world.

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