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CONSULTANCY/TECHNICAL SUPPORT: Call for Applications (Concluded)

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15th September 2019



Terms of Reference


Established on the 10th of November 2012 with a strong and focal commitment to unifying and strengthening the voice and offerings of the Nigerian civil society using accountability, volunteerism, networking and respect for human dignity as building blocks and key pillars of a resurgent civil society movement in Nigeria, Climate and Sustainable Development Network of Nigeria (CSDevNet) is the leading network of civil society organisations working on climate change and sustainable development in Nigeria. CSDevNet is the Nigerian national chapter for Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) as well as the national focal organisation for several international and regional organisations that are relevant to its core focus: climate change and sustainable development.

Scope and Overall Objective of the Consultancy

The CSDevNet Secretariat would like to engage the services of a consulting team to support the process of strengthening the network through the development of the following documents:

  • A five-year Multi-Annual Strategic Plan (2020 – 2025)
  • Financial Rules and Regulations Manual
  • Staff Rules and Human Resource manual
  • Communications and Knowledge Management Strategy
  • Bye-Laws

Stage 1: Diagnosis, Strategic Review and scenarios for a 5-year strategy

  1. Objectives

The objectives of this stage are to:

  • Assess the progress achieved towards the impact and outcomes of CSDevNet’s 7 years of existence.
  • Identify the key challenges facing CSDevNet
  • Review the current priorities of the CSDevNet as well as their continuing relevance for the next 5 years viz Pre-2020 and Post-2020 commitments, Paris Agreement and 2030 Development Agenda
  • Identify niches where CSDevNet could bring the highest value added;
  • Map donors’ support to CSDevNet and assess current funding mechanisms and organisational structure including relationship with the different organisations; and
  • Review the demand for CSDevNet’s contributions to its sector and how CSDevNet has responded to those demands
  • Assess the unmet needs which CSDevNet may contribute towards fulfilling;
  1. b) Main issues to be examined

In order to meet the above mentioned objectives, the process will in particular examine the following issues:

  • CSDevNet niches: Map donors’ support and identify niches where CSDevNet could bring the highest value added.
  • Financial sustainability: Examine the current funding mechanisms of CSDevNet, sources, and its effectiveness– including member contributions, support from development partners, etc. Examine mechanisms to promote financial sustainability of CSDevNet.
  • Relevance of CSDevNet and focus areas of intervention.
  • Strategic priorities and themes
  • Assess and define how CSDevNet can further enhance its current role
  • Review CSDevNet’s role in environmental governance and sustainable development. This may include assessing the role of its climate governance activities in enhancing the enabling environment for investments, and how these complement CSDevNet project preparation efforts; and assessing the impacts of its knowledge activities
  • Assess and define how CSDevNet may enhance its focus on themes and related links to supporting sustainable development and private sector engagement.
  • Internal and external partnerships: Assess the current relationships between CSDevNet and the various UN, AU and ECOWAS bodies and Initiatives as well as key partnerships to leverage impact.
  • Operational effectiveness: Review the human resources of CSDevNet, assessing the expertise and skills set balance within CSDevNet, and identifying competency gaps with recommendation for reinforcement. Further review the operational procedures of CSDevNet and assess their relevance and efficiency for achieving the CSDevNet strategic goals.

Review process and Development of scenarios

Following the first stage, the consulting team will be expected to develop two to three possible scenarios which will include a broad justification and description of the strategic priorities as well as the ways to ensure a financial sustainability.

Stage 2: Development of the 5-year strategy


The objective of this stage is to develop a 5-year strategy based on the selected scenario as well as on recommendations from CSDevNet Secretariat and Stakeholders

Strategy content

The Strategy document should define and describe the operational focus and areas of interventions of CSDevNet, along with an indication of the associated resource requirements. In brief, the document should contain:

  • A summary of the diagnosis and strategic review (developed from stage 1)
  • Develop two to three scenarios for the new long-term strategy in terms of strategic priorities and financing sustainability.
  • A justification and description of the goals and objectives of CSDevNet.
  • A description of main areas of intervention (operational components) to be implemented, with corresponding activities, outputs and indicators with targets to 2022 and 2025.
  • An outline of the various types of organisational/fund management activities which CSDevNet and its stakeholders should undertake in support of operations.
  • The preparation of a preliminary staffing strategy outlining the human resource requirement needed for CSDevNet to achieve its objectives.
  • An indication of resource requirement up to 2025 and mobilisation approaches.
  • A financing strategy developing a new business model for CSDevNet and designed to match the resource requirements
  • A strategy to enhance CSDevNet operational effectiveness
  • A description of the performance assessment and risk management mechanisms, under a results based management approach.

Review process

The 5-year draft strategy will go through review process at CSDevNet Secretariat and will involve CSDevNet Board of Trust (BoT) members.

List of deliverables and Timeframe 

The expected deliverables are as follows:

  • Stage 1 report: 5-year strategy
  • Stage 2 report: Financial Rules and Regulations Manual
  • Stage 3 report: Staff Rules and Human Resource Manual
  • Stage 4 report: Communications and Knowledge Management Strategy
  • Stage 5: Bye-Laws

Each report will be submitted in draft and revised draft after each stage of the review process, until the final report (see above the description of the review process). Reports will only be provided in soft copies.

Qualification of the Consultancy Team

The Consulting Team’s Qualifications and Experience shall include the following:

  • A strategy development expert with at least a Master’s degree in any of the following: Climate change, Environmental Management, Law, Public policy, Sustainable Development, Project Management with not less than 10 years of experience in policy, strategy, sectorial reforms, international development, and regional advocacy with a significant number of references in the climate change/environment sector and for international donors.
  • Team members are expected to have expertise in any of the above mentioned fields or an MBA in strategic planning and management, Forestry including knowledge and/or experience in strategy development for CSOs, regional organisations, international organisations or multi-national organisations
  • Experience of working in collaboration with the Nigerian government, Ministry of Environment, regional inter-governmental institutions or regional programmes in Africa
  • Knowledge of protocols, rules, procedures of the civil society organisations
  • Demonstrated knowledge of environmental and socio–economic development issues and challenges in Africa
  • Good knowledge of CSDevNet

Duration of the Consultancy

The consultancy duration is two weeks (1st – 15th October 2019)


The Consultancy fee, terms and conditions of payment will be agreed with the successful consulting team.

Location and Reporting Structure

The Consulting team will report directly to CSDevNet’s National Network Coordinator with close working contacts with the Programmes Officer and functional linkages with relevant Secretariat Staff.

All applications are to be sent to:

CSDevNet Secretariat, or                                                                                                                                           

For more info, log on to

Applications received after 18h00 (GMT-1) on Saturday the 28th of September 2019 will not be considered.

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