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Accelerated climatic changes are expected with large impacts across Africa. Nigeria is experiencing adverse climate conditions with negative impacts on the welfare of millions of people. Persistent droughts and flooding, off season rains and dry spells have sent growing seasons out of orbit, on a country dependent on a rain fed agriculture.

Alarm bells are ringing with lakes drying up and a reduction in river flow in the arid and semi arid region. The result is fewer water supplies for use in agriculture, hydro power generation and other users. The main suspect for all this havoc is Climate Change. Scientific studies show snows are disappearing rapidly.

Climate Change has been confirmed following release of the 4th IPCC Assessment report. Africa will be worst hit by the effects of Climate Change which Nigeria is part of it. The scale of climate change will increase with greater greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions, and global temperature.

There could be significant sea level rise from the 1990 levels to 0.3 m by 2020 and 1m by 2050. There could also be rise in temperature of up to 3.2°C by 2050 under a high climate change scenario (DFID 2009). All of these have serious environmental and economic implications and call for urgent and targeted actions to minimize the impacts of the change.

As part of our aggregated efforts at tackling the challenge as the leading network of non-state actors on climate change in Nigeria, CSDevNet, through this page, will provide historical and up-to-date knowledge resources on climate change in Nigeria with a view to instigating knowledge-based responses and actions capable of creating a more climate-resilient Nigeria.



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